Family Law Solicitors: There for You in the Happiest and Hardest Times

You may think that family law solicitors are only there for divorce and the endings of relationships. However, they do so much more than that. These lawyers and their services are needed during some of the best times of your life, as well as some of the most difficult.
Among the various issues they work on are the following:
There are so many legalities when it comes to adoption that it is easy to feel overwhelmed. A specialist family law solicitor will ensure you adhere to everything correctly. When adoption becomes more complicated – such as international adoptions or when there is an issue with the child’s biological parents – an experienced solicitor will help the process flow smoothly.
Getting legal guidance is highly advisable when adopting, as it will let you know where you stand and what you need to do. Your solicitor will work to get the outcome you want, helping you welcome your new child into your family.
Civil partnerships
Civil partnerships are now available to opposite-sex couples, so there will likely be more family law solicitors in demand. As the union is not as widely understood as marriage, it can be beneficial to get the guidance of a specialist solicitor.
They can also help with issues like children – whether a custody or adoption matter – finances and the dissolution of a partnership. You may also want to sign a prenuptial agreement before entering into your civil partnership, which is something a solicitor should certainly advise on.
Prenuptial agreements
Prenuptial agreements are contracts agreed between couples before getting married. They set out how you and your future spouse would prefer to split your finances and property if the marriage ends in divorce or separation.
Although prenuptial agreements are not legally binding in the UK, they have been upheld in numerous cases. Provided they adhere to strict legal guidelines, courts can rule that they are valid. This is where a family law solicitor comes in – they will help you ensure everything is in order, giving you the best chance of having your agreement upheld.
Cohabitation agreements
Moving in with your partner is an exciting time, and many people believe that doing so turns them into common law spouses. However, this is not a legal term and it offers no protection in the event of a relationship breakdown. In order to safeguard your future, you could benefit from a cohabitation agreement, which will set out how finances and assets will be split.
To give yourself the best chance of having your cohabitation agreement deemed legal, you’ll need the input of a family law solicitor. It is also advisable that you and your partner take independent legal advice.
Divorce/civil partnership dissolution
When you get divorce or your civil partnership dissolved, it will likely mean a change in your living arrangements and finances. This will be further complicated if you have dependent children. If there are any disputes between you and your spouse or civil partner, it may prove difficult to agree on certain aspects of your divorce or civil partnership dissolution.
Family law solicitors are experienced in getting both parties to come to an eventual agreement that works in the best interests of everyone involved, especially children.
Child maintenance
You can set up your own private child maintenance agreement, which can help you keep up a civil relationship with your former partner. A private agreement is generally faster to arrange and can be more flexible – such as one parent buying new school uniforms for the child instead of a cash payment.
Legal advice is also advised if you are unsure what your former partner earns or if they own their own business and can decide their own salary, therefore affecting any child maintenance paid.
Domestic violence/injunctions
The victims of domestic violence include men and women, as well as children and parents. It can take the form of physical, emotional, sexual, psychological and financial abuse and is usually characterised by intimidating and controlling behaviour over a period of time.
If you or someone you live with is a victim of domestic violence, you can take out an injunction against them. They come in two main types: a non-molestation order – which prevents your current or former partner from threatening or using violence against you or your children – or an occupation order – which establishes who is allowed to live in the family home.
Family law solicitors
When it comes to family, life can be complicated. If you have a major event on the horizon, it will pay to consult with a specialist family lawyer to make sure everything goes smoothly.
They can help ease the pressure when you’re having a difficult time and make sure things go according to plan when it’s an exciting time.
Whatever your needs, First4Lawyers can help you find the right family law solicitor for you. To find out more, just give us a call, request a callback at the top of your screen or click here to make an enquiry.