Angle Grinder Accident Claims

Angle grinders can be dangerous tools. If you’ve been injured as a result of using one at work, you may be able to make a compensation claim.


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Making an angle grinder claim

Angle grinders are powerful tools used across many trades that require a high level of safety and precaution to be undertaken when using them.

They have a fast spinning, sharp disc that is used for cutting, reshaping, polishing, and grinding stone and metals. They often emit sparks, shards, and heat – so it is down to your employer to make sure you are safe and that you are using the tool properly.

Employers should ensure:

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn at all times when using an angle grinder
  • Safety checks are done routinely on the tool itself
  • You have been trained to use the tool properly

PPE, such as eyewear, steel toe cap boots, facemasks, earplugs, protective clothing and gloves, should be worn whilst the angle grinder is in operation.

If you have been injured by an angle grinder because your employer has failed to uphold safety standards and checks, then your employer could be held responsible.

Common injuries in angle grinder accident claims

Catastrophic injuries can be caused by an angle grinder due to its power.

These can include:

  • Burns

Burns can be caused by debris or searing hot sparks flying off the materials.

  • Cuts and bruises

Cuts can be caused by flying debris or the rapidly spinning disc when in use.

  • Eye injuries

Flying debris and sparks can enter the eye area and cause minor to severe sight loss.

  • Loss of fingers and hands

Fingers and hands risk being severed if the tool is not used properly.

  • Vibration White Finger (VWF)

VWF is often caused by excessive use of a heavy and vibrating power tool.

To avoid injuries like these, it is necessary to take all safety precautions when using an angle grinder.

Certain angle grinder injuries, such as blindness and amputations, can significantly affect your daily life and can cause a huge amount of pain and trauma.

To prevent this happening, your employer should make sure the correct safety checks are being done before and during the use of this powerful tool.

Injured by an angle grinder at work

If you have been injured in an angle grinder accident at work due to the lack of safety measures or checks by your employer, this could be employer negligence.

Employer negligence is when your employer fails to uphold their legal duty of care to you and breaks rules and laws set out in the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations Act 1998. The act specifically protects people using dangerous equipment, like angle grinders.

Before using an angle grinder, employers should check that:

  • Appropriate training has been provided for employees
  • Correct PPE has been provided
  • Enough ventilation is provided to avoid heat-related injuries
  • Safety guards are fitted and working properly
  • The correct disc is fitted on the angle grinder
  • Using an angle grinder is appropriate for the task at hand

If your injury has been caused because your employer failed to do any of the above, then you are entitled to make an accident at work claim.

Reporting an angle grinding accident

It is important to record your injury in your workplace’s accident book.

Make sure that the incident has also been reported to a manager or the human resources (HR) department at your place of work.

As well as ensuring your employer knows about your accident, it can also form a vital piece of evidence.

How to begin an angle grinder accident claim

If an employer’s negligence has led to injuries, lasting pain and damage or trauma, then you are entitled to begin a claim. It is your right to get justice for your employer’s wrongdoing.

First4Lawyers are here to help you every step of the way, so we recommend you begin your claim by giving us a call.

Our friendly and knowledgeable advisors will be there to listen to you and answer any questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

Is there a time limit for an angle grinder accident claim?

You have a three-year deadline from the date of your injury to make a claim.

We recommend beginning your claim as soon as you can. This means the details about your case will be fresh in your mind, and you may it more straightforward to get hold of certain pieces of evidence.

If you are unsure of anything or have any questions about beginning a claim, then contact us at any time and we’ll give you all the information you need.

Compensation for an angle grinder accident claim

The amount of compensation you receive depends on the severity of your injury.

Compensation claims include general damages, which compensate you for the pain and trauma you have suffered because of your angle grinder injury. But you can also claim back any financial losses you’ve suffered as a result of your injury. This includes any earnings you may have lost from needing time off work or any medical treatment you may require.

Of course, we understand that money will never reverse the pain and trauma you will have suffered. However, the compensation you’re entitled to can help you cover your medical bills and ensure your family is provided for.

Our simple compensation calculator could give you an idea of what you could be entitled to in general damages.

If you’re unsure of anything then give us a call at First4Lawyers and we’ll be able to help you.

No Win No Fee angle grinder claims

If our solicitors think you have a solid claim, they will usually agree to represent you on a No Win No Fee basis.

This kind of funding agreement means that everyone has access to justice and a chance to receive the compensation they deserve. That’s because there is no upfront fee to pay. Instead of worrying about how to pay for legal action, you can focus on your recovery.

There is also nothing to pay if your claim is unsuccessful. This makes a No Win No Fee agreement a risk-free way of holding someone responsible for your accident.

Only pay a fee if you receive compensation

Our No Win No Fee solicitors will take a success fee from the compensation you are awarded for a successful claim in the form of a percentage of your damages. This could be up to 25% but it won't be more than that, except in cases of road traffic accidents and housing disrepair. Changing laws mean our solicitors will now take a payment of 35% of the final compensation amount plus VAT for all road traffic accident and housing disrepair claims.

First4Lawyers are an award-winning claims management company with a track record of delivering service that our clients love.

Why make an angle grinder injury claim?

We understand how difficult making a claim against your employer may seem. We’ve helped thousands of people who have had these concerns. But there are some important reasons to make a claim, including:

  • Having your accident acknowledged

When compensation is awarded, it means there is an agreement that you were wronged. Although you may not get an apology or even a formal acknowledgement that your employer was responsible, compensation means that you were successful. It means that others agreed that your employer could have stopped the accident happening.

  • Giving you financial breathing room

The compensation you’re awarded for a successful claim can help you take the time away from work that you need to recover. Not working can mean you’re not paid, but your compensation will mean you get some financial breathing room.

  • Stopping it happening to others

By making a claim, you help highlight the problem to your employer. This means that they can then address what went wrong. They may not have realised that there was an issue, which led to your injury. By drawing their attention to what happened, you can help stop it happening to your colleagues.

For help making a claim for your angle grinder injury, just get in touch.

How can First4Lawyers help?

When you speak to us, our advisors will listen carefully and offer the best advice for your specific situation.

If we believe you have a claim, we will put one of our best solicitors on your case. They will do all the hard work for you and get you the compensation you deserve.

The First4Lawyers team is here to be an arm around your shoulder at a hugely stressful time.

So if you’re ready to take the next step, start your claim with us online or request a callback.


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