How Much Compensation Will I Receive for a Fall?

It may not be the first thing you think about after a fall, but in many cases, you will be entitled to compensation. That can help you pay for medical treatment, which can get you on the road to recovery quicker.
So how much compensation could you receive for a fall?
Compensation for a fall
When making a personal injury claim, you don’t claim compensation for the accident – you claim compensation for the injury. This means that there’s no specific amount you’ll receive for the fall you’ve suffered.
Instead, you will receive a certain amount for the injuries your fall caused. This figure could vary significantly based on how serious your injuries have been.
With an accident like a fall, there are, unfortunately, many different ways you could be injured. That means it’s difficult to say exactly what you would be entitled to without a conversation about your injuries.
Some injuries are more common after a fall. If you’ve suffered one – or more – of these, you could receive a specific amount of compensation:
- Broken finger – Up to £5,800
- Loss or damage to two front teeth – Up to £9,310
- Broken lower leg – Up to £14,450
- Moderate shoulder injury – Up to £15,580
- Ankle injury with mild lasting symptoms – Up to £16,770
- Broken arm – Up to £23,430
- Knee injury with serious long-term symptoms – Up to £53,030
As well as the compensation you’re entitled to for your injury, you could also be able to make a claim for any financial impact your accident has had on you.
This can include the cost of any medical treatment, including prescription medicine, as well as the cost of any damaged property. If you’ve had a fall, you may have dropped certain belongings, like your phone, or even landed on items like your watch. If your property has been broken, you could make a claim for the cost of repairing or replacing it.
When making a claim, your solicitor will be able to let you know just what you may be entitled to.
When is a fall a personal injury?
Not every fall is a personal injury – even if it happened while you were on someone else’s property. For a fall to be considered a personal injury, someone has to have been negligent. And that negligence needs to be responsible for your fall.
This means that if you slipped on a wet floor that had no warning signs, for example, you could be able to make a personal injury claim.
But if you tripped down a flight of stairs in a shopping centre because you weren’t paying enough attention or your ankle rolled, it’s unlikely that this would count.
It may not be clear immediately whether anyone was responsible for your fall. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to the scene of your accident – as long as you’re well enough. Take a look around and try to find out what caused you to fall.
You could be able to make a claim for compensation if something about the scene caused your accident. This could have been a slip or trip hazard, like a spill or cables on the floor, a defect in the floor or even poor lighting conditions. To find out if you have a claim, all you need to do is have a no-obligation chat with our friendly and understanding claims advisors.
They’ll set out your options and help you decide what the best thing to do is. To talk to us, just give us a call or start your claim online.