What is company insolvency?
According to government statistics, 17,439 companies entered insolvency in England and Wales during 2018 (pdf). The construction industry saw the majority with 2,954 by the end of the year.
A company becomes insolvent when it can no longer pay its debts on time. In this situation, a business becomes subject to corporate insolvency law.
If your company has become insolvent, there are two types of outcome provided for by the law:
- An attempt to rescue the business by paying off creditors and re-establish a sound financial footing.
- Liquidation of the company by selling off any assets and winding it up.
Depending on your particular circumstances, your company may take either one of these routes, or a combination of the two. Whatever the route, insolvency proceedings are designed to bring about the best possible outcome for everyone with a stake in the business.